IMPORTANT!!! - New teams launched!

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IMPORTANT!!! - New teams launched!

Unread post by TheCollector »

Hi guys {thumb2}

Following the voting on the recent poll regarding launching new 'Teams' on FanMail, I am happy to say this new rank system is now in place.

What I have done is randomly allocate either 4 or 5 Full Moderators to each Global Moderator - as it turned out, 5 of you have 5 moderators, and two of you have 4. This does not mean anything except I ran out of Moderators for the last two :lol: However, as the next two moderators are promoted, we will equal out the teams ;-)

Like I say, the allocation was totally random, but if anyone feels they have somebody in their Group that they cannot deal with, then please let me know as the system is obviously new, and as such has a degree of flexibility.

The other change we have made is with regards to the Junior Moderators, which we have now renamed "Trainee Moderators". This more accurately reflects their role, and should go some way to calming the anger of some members who continually ask how people can become moderators after only 5 minutes!!

The fact now is that anyone who wants to try out as a Trainee Moderator will get the chance, but this will not automatically mean they will become a Full Moderator. To make the selection process fairer, I have suggested that each "Team" will be responsible for their own Trainee's progression, and they will decide between them if and when a Trainee is ready for the next step.

The allocation of Moderators to Global Moderators is currently as follows:

Aimee OC



x pirates-fan x

Peyton L.



ldy josie x
Currently no members


Currently no members

I am also going to put a post in the full moderators forum letting them know what is going on, but I am not making any post yet in the Trainee Mods forum until you guys have had a chance to chat with your own moderators, and decided which Trainees you want to be part of your respective teams.

I would suggest each of you start a thread in the full moderators forum entitled something like: "ozzman's Team - Meet here!". That way you can use such a thread to choose your Trainees. Each Global Team needs to have about 10 Trainees in order to ensure all are members of a team.

Sorry if this is a bit long-winded!! And please ask if you need anything explained etc ;-)

Thanks a lot for your dedication, and I hope this will help sort things out a bit!

Ian :mrgreen:
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Re: IMPORTANT!!! - New teams launched!

Unread post by F.A.D.E »

Hi there :D

So, I am still a bit confused as this is all so new! :?

Let me see if I got it all right...

My team and I pick 10-15 Trainees. And then I divide all the Trainees so that each Moderator has 2 or 3 to look after, right? Or wait! Ian divides and contacts the Moderators as mentioned in here?

When the TM's are placed who will then decide which ones actually becomes Moderators? The Moderator, The Team or all of the Moderators as we do it now?

What power does the Moderator have over the TM's? Will they approve them for Moderators or will they only approve them for a vote? (so that all Moderators vote Yes or No?)

Sorry, I have many questions :oops: I wanna make sure I got it right.

Fatima xxx
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Re: IMPORTANT!!! - New teams launched!

Unread post by TheCollector »

Hi Fatima {up}

Don't worry, it is all very new, and we are bound to have a bit of confusion at first :D
FatimaDenmark wrote:My team and I pick 10-15 Trainees. And then I divide all the Trainees so that each Moderator has 2 or 3 to look after, right?
Kind of. It is up to you how you want to do it, but I would suggest all of the Moderators in your team look after all of the Trainees rather than trying to pair them up. That way they can all get to know each other better, and hopefully can work to support each other and solve any problems as a team.
FatimaDenmark wrote:When the TM's are placed who will then decide which ones actually becomes Moderators? The Moderator, The Team or all of the Moderators as we do it now?
I think it seems most sensible for each team to have the overall ability to evaluate and approve their own Trainees to become full Moderators - in conjunction with the Admins if needed. You will have the best working knowledge of them afterall ;-) The "Poll" system is still a good one, and since you will have far fewer votes needed, it should be quicker too.
FatimaDenmark wrote:What power does the Moderator have over the TM's? Will they approve them for Moderators or will they only approve them for a vote? (so that all Moderators vote Yes or No?)
The Moderators will have the ability to decide (as a team) whether a Trainee is right for promotion, and when.

We need to remember that the Trainees need regular feedback from their teammates as to how they are doing, what they are doing well, and what they might need to improve. It is much easier to 'iron' these problems out whilst they are Trainees, than trying to change them after we have already promoted them to a full Moderator ;-) You will still need a majority of your Team to vote positively on a potential new Moderator before they can be promoted. However, you will only need to get the votes from your Team, so the process should be quicker. If there is a "stale-mate" in voting, the Global Moderator or an Admin should have the deciding vote.

I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask anything else you want to know!

Like I said, it is early days in a new system, so I am sure it will change a bit before we get it absolutely right :D

Ian :mrgreen:

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