Any celebs who don't use autopen?

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Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by tracy-a »

Hi All ...
I was first excited when I found out I could send a photo to be autographed by celebs, but now I'm learning that most are autopens.
Are there any notable celebs that don't use autopens? or only sometimes?

It's my 50th birthday this November and I would LOVE to get my 3 favourite guys to sign Happy 50th Birthday Tracy on a tuxedo photo. Channing Tatum, Johnny Depp, and Robert Downey Jr.
Getting just ONE real one would be amazing.
Getting 2 or 3 would be phenomenal beyond belief. :shock:
However if I'm just going to get an autopen I won't bother with the effort and expense.
Anyone think this might be a possibility? and if so, How?
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by fromuk2014 »

You might be lucky to send to Channing Tatum but anyone under Spanky Taylors management will be an autopen unless you're lucky enough to write via venue which still doesn't mean you will even get a print back, but you could be the one in a billion that does get an authentic.

By the way, there's autograph discussion sections, this section is for feedback from people's success'.

Channing is your best bet, try using the search function at the top of the page, that's what everyone else has to do.
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by Bigpapa72 »

Try this address
Pinewood Studios Atlanta
Sandy Creek Road
Fayetteville, Ga.
Downey is filming there as well as Johannson.
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by tracy-a »

Oh sorry I didn't realize I was in the wrong section, I'm usually pretty good with that.
MOD please move the whole thread over, that would be great.

Ok thanks I'll avoid any Spanky Taylor I see.
Yes I saw that RDJ address I will try that one. I also sent a Tweet I'm not sure if I'll get a reply but it's worth a try. He's pretty active on Twitter.

And no, in case you misunderstood, I wasn't asking for any spoon-feeding; I will indeed use the Search utilities here and elsewhere 'like everyone else'.
What I was asking for is for advice on whether it's even worth my effort, and for which celebs might Never/Always/Sometimes actually hand sign.

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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by WaltG123 »

tracy-a wrote:I was first excited when I found out I could send a photo to be autographed by celebs, but now I'm learning that most are autopens.
Whoever taught you that lied. APs are a minority, and, by far, do not represent a majority of anything. They aren't even the majority of unauthentic returns outside of politics & NASA.

Bigpapa72 wrote:Try this address
Pinewood Studios Atlanta
Sandy Creek Road
Fayetteville, Ga.
Downey is filming there as well as Johannson.
And that will get them an AP, which they clearly said they don't want.

fromuk2014 wrote:You might be lucky to send to Channing Tatum but anyone under Spanky Taylors management will be an autopen unless you're lucky enough to write via venue which still doesn't mean you will even get a print back, but you could be the one in a billion that does get an authentic.

By the way, there's autograph discussion sections, this section is for feedback from people's success'.

Channing is your best bet, try using the search function at the top of the page, that's what everyone else has to do.
He sends secs. least it won't be an AP? :lol:
tracy-a wrote:What I was asking for is for advice on whether it's even worth my effort, and for which celebs might Never/Always/Sometimes actually hand sign.
See, the problem with asking that is that it doesn't make your intentions seem pure. Asking questions like that screams "I'm just looking for some easy gets", which is not very polite & will not yield you very pleasant answers--especially from me.

There's a very big difference between "Who signs" & "do
  • sign".

    Start with the latter.

    Then research them for yourself. If they're known or suspected for not sending authentics, it will be noted somewhere on this site & the search feature will bring it up. (Use the one linked on the right hand side, rather than the one at the top.)

    That should help you narrow your list down.

    Then, once you've narrowed it down with your own research, make a post in "Autograph Collecting Discussions" with your new narrowed down list & people will help you further.
WaltG123 != WaltG123. & WaltG123,

There's a difference between blue text & a URL, ****. Those who can't read will be added to my ignore list.

WaltG123 wrote:
WaltG123. wrote:Actually it's just occurred to me. Nobody but her will know why she's signed it twice so please ignore my silly question. :oops:

Awww, how cute. Someone who thinks that people will be dumb enough to believe that they're me, despite the blatant period & completely different post numbers.

And, of course, the obvious fact that if, if it were me, I would've edited the post, not replied to it. Not to mention it's not necessarily true that "nobody but her will know why she signed it twice" & I'm smart enough to know that.

Not to mention the grammatical mistakes.

But, please, carry on. You can help me find more people to add to my ignore list. I don't need to be bothered reading posts by users that are stupid enough to believe that these 2 accounts are the same. I appreciate the help in weeding out the ****. So thank you. :D
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by DiamondDave »

Trolls be gone!
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by tracy-a »

Ha ok first, that Troll pic there.. I'm assuming that means I have as good of a chance as blowing a wish dandelion?. .. Not sure. Ok whatever.

Um when I said :
What I was asking for is for advice on whether it's even worth my effort, and for which celebs might Never/Always/Sometimes actually hand sign.
and you said:
See, the problem with asking that is that it doesn't make your intentions seem pure. Asking questions like that screams "I'm just looking for some easy gets", which is not very polite & will not yield you very pleasant answers--especially from me.
When I made that first comment I was being a little snarky because it had been sarcastically implied that I was unwilling to use my own resources such as the Search utility. So I was just clarifying my intentions to the other poster who had misunderstood me... does that make sense? .. .

Ok yes I admit I have not searched this site entirely yet, however most of the answers I was finding were either contradictory or kinda disheartening... it appeared to me that it might be impossible to get what I'm looking for. :(

Oh and I have no idea what was going on there with you answering yourself. that was just weird. :?

Ok, so .. I still am unsure how to proceed at this point. Other than to keep looking for some consistent answers. I will do a little more research and hopefully get some more positive response.

The only reason I started thinking about this in the first place is I saw on Channing's website that to send a photo and he will sign. That got my head thinking it'd be a great bday present. I didn't get further than this section .. it's a big site. I should not have posted so quickly.

But.... I've learned that Channing doesn't use AP but gets someone else to sign. (maybe)
And RDJ I have no chance.(maybe)
And JD, I've also read that I have no chance there either. (maybe)

Oh well. it seemed like a good idea at the time. but I will read the other sections and take your advice on searching more thoroughly.

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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by Bigpapa72 »

Try the studio I posted. Im going to say this, and could care lesa what happens. The past week or two ive seena lot of smart ellic responses to what people ask and post. I thought this was a site to help people find what their looking for, not smart comments!!!!!
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by Bigpapa72 »

Yeah im sure everyone carries auto pen everywhere to sign things or they are stationed at The Studios they film at! NOT! Hope you wasnt referring that the Studio I posted, the actors send out auto pen from there, if so,your loss!
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Re: Any celebs who don't use autopen?

Post by tracy-a »

Thanks Bigpapa.. yes I agree about the smartass comments. I was a little offended when my very first post on this site got a comment like that. I am not a lazy person looking for easy answers, I just don't want to waste time going down dead end roads.

Thank you for the address for RDJ. I will try that one. I also posted to his twitter asking how I might get a legit autograph. Doubt I'll get a response but who knows.

Thanks again!

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