Sent (from Germany): 1/11/13
Stamp on the letter: 11/11/13
Received (in Germany): 12/11/13 (Yeah, long live German post! %)))
12 days!!!
The address used to mail the letter was from the database:
Bruno Ganz, Baumbauer Actors, Hanfelderstr. 32, 82319 Starnberg, Germany
However, the letter arrived with a sticker and another address on it:
Baumbauer Actors
Bra:uhausweg 7
82335 Berg
Site of Bruno Ganz at Baumbauer Actors
So, the photo is signed with a silver pen. Autograph is real, not PP, but not personalized, however. On the other side of the photo I found a sticker: "Your letter will be forwarded to Mr. Ganz".