Birmingham Childrens Charity xxx

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red seven
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Birmingham Childrens Charity xxx

Post by red seven »

Hi everyone, im new on this site, i have been trying to raise 2,000 for the Birmingham Childrens hospital since july 2010... I managed to get a signed blues/villa ball and signed book for Noel Edmonds/signed t-shirt from Victoria Pendleton xx amongst other things..this is my first time doing anything for charity...I also did a paraglide in Turkey for charity, and hoping to be doing a Skydive wednesday 24th November........xxxxx all because they saved my little angel, I have triend contacting my local radio station plus local newspaper too, but i think i must be doing something wrong.........all the letters/posters and paying for the items are all done by my self xxx I dont take anything back , because if you say you do something for charity , thats where the raised funds go xxxxx
I have met some amazing ppl along the way , and many times thought about how hard doing something like this xxx but I look at my angel everyday and know when we have finished and reach our target hoping that the money raised would in some small way help another little boy/girl like my litttle guy get the help that my son recieved.....and is still recieving...
so far My son and i have raised 1,077.38p which i feel extremely proud of....hoping with our christmas hampers and carboots and my skydive will should be getting somewhere to our target..... if you want to see what we have been upto lances fb page is : lances fundraising page 4 the (bch)..... I d just like to say thank you to this site for helping me get a couple of address to ask for a donation of something signed xxx I will update with a post when or if i dont I will still let you guys know xxxx and to any of you who read this and is thinking of doing something for Charity........go for it xx the hard it is.....the more satisfying it is....doing and being apart of something special thats a feeling i cant really put into words xxx ;-) ;-)
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Re: Birmingham Childrens Charity xxx

Post by tansk1 »

Best of luck!

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