whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

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whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by miley cyrus fan »

hey guys im wondering whats one thing as a teen/kid you really regretted doing at the time ,but now look back and laugh at. im wondering because well im a teen, (hence my user name if i was a old man liking miley that would be weird lmao) and well yesterday, i severly bruised my finger playing around with some freinds, its not super painfull ,but hurts and is really swollen, it looks broken but isnt it would sure as hell hurt a lot more. well one day ill be telling this story to my future son after he does something similar, like my dad did to me yesterday he hurt his fingers lots of times as a kid doing this he said.
anyway whats your story fanmail.biz members
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by margotchanning »

Ok, this is really hard to admit to but as I'm amongst friends I will share it! When I was about seven years old my friend Sylvia had this amazing teddy bear that growled when you squeezed it and I wanted it so much! One day we went for a picnic in a field and Sylvia told me she would give me the teddy bear if I jumped in every cow pat in the field......and I did! :roll:
After about an hour of going up and down the field like a lawnmower, jumping in every slushy mound of cow dung I could find, I looked and smelled like something out of a sewer! When I got home my mum wouldn't let me in! Instead, she stripped me naked on our back lawn and hosed me down :oops: :lol:
I was grounded for weeks and to add insult to injury, I never got the teddy bear :cry:

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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by Pencebaseball9 »

Hahah umm I won't share. It's not appropiate lol.
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by BABii_ANG3L »

Well, I did MANY stupid things. I'm a klutz. :lol: I remember this one time in 5th grade, and we played dodgeball in the gym and there were basketball hoops on each side and when someone on the other team gets hit, they have to stand behind the line on our side unless a dodgeball goes through the hoop or someone catches a ball. So I was gonna throw a ball at someone this one time and being a nice person, I was gonna throw it to someone in back of me so they could throw it. I threw it in the air in back of me without looking (you know, like over your head) and I was like right on the side of a basketball hoop and it accidentally went in and everyone from the other team that was hit with the ball were freed. I was sooo embarrassed because people blamed me and the guy I liked was there! But we laughed it off badly though.

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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by miley cyrus fan »

lol guys ah what i did was pretty stupid thou i regret it alot.
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by osiris »

I threw a rock at our tv once.

I don't remember why, nor do I think I had a particular reason at the time. Luckily for me, it was rather small and bounced off the screen and did no damage!
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by JonasBrothersFan »

Ok, well I'm a 6th grader and last year during P.E., we had to run or walk a lap. So I was with my friends and one of my friends was talking to this guy. I wasn't paying attention at all. I was more into the conversation than watching where I was walking. We were walking behind the bleachers and the metal bike rail was right in front of me. So I step into it and tried to take my foot off and I end up falling. Well people started laughing and my friend helped me up. It wasn't really embrassing to me, because as soon as I got up. I started laughing too. But it was one of the stupidest I ever done. :mrgreen: :lol:
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by Manda Panda »

I never really did stupid things as child...and I don't do stupid things right now (I'm 16) >>;
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by chanin-anezina »

My friend had an electric scooter when I was around 9 years old; when you’re a young child anything like that amuses you.
I begged her to let me have ago on it and she eventually let me but not to her knowledge I wasn’t capable of driving or listening to instructors she shouted STOP! But me thinking I know best carried on and crashed into a kerb, I was searching around looking for the brakes but I crashed I didn’t hurt myself but I think my friends mum didn’t like the scooters and wishes her aunt didn’t buy them, I upset my friend, but I think her mum was pleased.

Also when I had argument with a teacher and stomped out, and kicked a window next to the door, it shattered I was really gob smacked! As I’ve never broke a window in my life.

The most funniest thing to my friends this didn’t happen long ago was when I was trying tricks on a football, my friend could do it really well and I wanted to learn, but I stepped onto the ball, and not thinking a ball is round and on concrete went smashing down and smashed my chin up How stupid.

I have done loads more adventures in my life and I’m still growing up and learning, I’m not a perfect child I must admit.
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Re: whats the stupidest thing you did as a kid/teen

Post by margotchanning »

I'm not a kid and not quite a teen but I did something seriously stupid today :oops:

My boss hired an industrial carpet cleaner and put me in charge of cleaning the carpets in the residents bedrooms. All was going well until I had to empty the machine! The container was full of dirty water and I stupidly put it behind a door while I went to get a bucket to empty it in to. Just as I got back, my boss opened the door and in a panic to stop her knocking the water over I got my words muddled up! Instead of telling her to mind the bucket of dirty water, I ended up shouting "No stay there, there's.....there's....carpet juice behind the door!!!!"

Carpet Juice????? :shock: :oops:

My boss was laughing at me for ages. I felt so stupid!

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