Looking for Nicola Posener autograph

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Looking for Nicola Posener autograph

Unread post by SkyDancer »

So, I am looking for an autograph by Nicola Posener and I have a specific picture in mind which I am really hoping she signs.
I do have the details for her agent but no email yet - I live in Australia.
They said to use international reply coupons but they don't exist.
I can get a friend to get me stamps for the return if she signs it, but as she's filming it will take forever and might not get to her.
Having said that, I don't mind waiting months though.
I am wondering if anyone else has managed to basically do what I hope to do.

As an aside, Arrowstone actually emailed me back about 18 months ago after I wrote to tell them how much I liked the Mythica series.

I recently found a fully signed copy of A Quest for Heroes on eBay for US$99 plus shipping and am tempted. Very tempted.


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