How to meet celebrities in person?

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How to meet celebrities in person?

Unread post by F.A.D.E »

Here are some tips and tricks which have been very useful for me.

This is mainly for musicians at concerts and promotional appearances on TV, radio etc.

In my opinion if you really want to meet someone famous it is definitely possible! You “just” have to be at the right place at the right time. But it takes a lot of determination and patience! If it doesn’t work the first… let’s say 20 times, it will hopefully work the 21st time!! :D It is a 50/50 chance so try not to lose your hope and keep going. This is not just a piece of cake! The first few times are very difficult but the more experience you get the easier it gets.

Here are some places you can possibly meet celebrities: Airports, hotels, radio and TV studios.

How to meet celebrities at airports?
First of all most celebrities have a calendar or diary on their official website with dates of where they are going to be and when. This will let you know exactly when a certain celebrity is in your country which is a very good start! :) To find out when they are going to arrive at your airport you need to find out where they are flying in from. This can sometimes also be found on their official website. Which country are they going to be in before coming to yours? You also need to find out whether they fly in late night after their show in the previous country or early morning the next day. Sometimes it is possible to phone their record company and if you ask politely they just might tell you what day they will come. They most certainly won’t give you any precise timing or anything but it is useful to know whether it’s daytime or evening so you don’t have to wait for 10 hours! Always remember the keyword when doing research: RESPECT! This is the only thing that will get you anywhere! Whatever you do don’t beg! If they say no, RESPECT that and try something else. If you still haven’t found out you can go to the airport both the night before and you can go back next morning when the early flight flies in (you can check the flight plans for the airport either online or phone the airport and find out when the last and the first flight flies in from that country) Sometimes you can end up waiting for many hours but if you get to meet the celebrity it is well worth it :D

How to meet celebrities at hotels
If you have met the celebrity a few times before, you can try and ask them where they are staying (again politely and quietly so the entire crowd of fans won’t overhear it) They just might tell you if they can sense that you’re a calm and respectful fan. I am not saying this will always work but it is definitely worth a shot. It has worked for me many times. Most stars stay at 4 or 5 star hotels so find out where they are located in your capital area. A good sign is if you can see fans waiting outside the hotel :)
Another option is to follow their van from the airport to the hotel. This is only meant as a last resort only!! Don't follow them to the hotel if you have already met them at the airport! This is indeed stalking and I don't sugguest or support that at all! As you now know for certain which hotel they are staying at you can wait OUTSIDE (Do not go inside, respect the stars’ privacy. Plus the hotel staff will throw you out. If it is late evening time come back early next morning. (NB: Be aware of any backdoors)

How to meet celebrities at TV and Radio stations
When celebrities are coming your way it is always useful to contact the bigger radio stations and TV programs and ask them if they are going to appear on their show. Again they might tell you when they will arrive there and you can go to the studio and wait outside. Always make sure that you’re not asking to go inside. Tell them that you are quietly going to wait outside so you can get a picture or an autograph so they don’t throw you away :)

How to meet celebrities at concert venues
As for concert venues: The bigger the star is the more security and the harder it gets to meet the star in person. In those cases you should go for the airport or the hotel.
In other cases you can basically just wait outside by the artist entry and wait for the celebrity to arrive. Sometimes they do sound checks which means they might arrive at the concert venue around noon (this is not always the case – but worth trying if you really want to meet the celebrity) You can also wait after the concert but you never know when they will come out. If they don’t have any early plans the next day they might be having an afterparty :)

Basic useful tips
Don’t scream in their faces! (That’s not polite) Stay calm and respect all people around you. Including the stars and the working staff at hotels, radio stations…etc. Respect their privacy, their jobs and their functions.

Good luck and happy hunting! :D

Fatima xxx
Last edited by F.A.D.E on Thu May 25, 2006 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Joeay »

"Another option is to follow their van from the airport to the hotel"

Isn't that called stalking? :?
If you see them at the airport then follow them and see them again in the hotel - most celebrities will not appreciate it.
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Unread post by F.A.D.E »

I totally see your point. I wasn't sure if I should mention that in particular either. I would never do this as to me this is boundry-crossing! I don't think you should follow them in that sense. If you have already met them at the airport don't follow them to the hotel. I would not suggest people doing both things. I meant this as an "extra option" if there really isn't any other way of meeting them. I guess that didn't come across that clearly.

As mentioned the keyword is respect! And meeting them every single place is indeed stalking and I don't support that!

I have edited the original text a bit and I hope it can't be misunderstood now.

Fatima xxx
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Unread post by Flow »

salking for some a really good opinion to find their hotel for others :D look at my collection if we wouldn't follow their van our collectin wouldn't be so large....
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Unread post by Joeay »

But sometimes it's more important to not annoy the celebrities and remember they're people too than to have a big collection.


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